Basics of Ghosting in Evony. ), How to use Monarch Gear, which Beginners Tend to Make Mistakes, Red Equipment Comparison (Dragon, Ares, Achaemenidae), Dragon Complete Guide – Type, Buff, Enhance, Troop Type Guide: Usage & Characteristics (Mounted, Ground, Ranged, Siege), List of VIP Buffs & Benefits by VIP Level, How to take advantage of Arrest Warrant & how to use, Ghosting Complete Guide (Essential PvP Techniques), Keep Upgrade Requirements (~Lv35) & Unlocks. But most people don’t build much ground. For those attacking with about 80,000-150,000 t10 cavalry, here are the strengths, General Power – about 1.4M General Skill – How to add 3 Skills “You Want”, Red Equipment Combination List (Which Should You Make? The first thing that comes at you from the enemy side is mounted. If this doesn’t work, you need to raise the level of research and gear too. I have John of Portugal in my archer camp, granting ranged troops 5% Attack, Defense, and HP. You can see in this situation that your archers should perform pretty well, even though they are disadvantaged. I have a 15 VIP but can’t get my gear to refines above two acceptable ones. You know what’s not fun? For another, they’re quite weak if you’re doing a solo attack. But I’ll give you some thoughts. I get 42% attack from my 6 Japan subs. In the meantime keep the rest of your troops ghosted to prevent them from being hit. An Evony Gathering Guide, for players who wants to get more resources in less time, and make faster progress in the game. You can see exactly which troops scored kills, which troops died, which troops went to the hospital, which ones deserted, and so on. Your email address will not be published. I tested it with mounted only and with ground only. If the enemy has mounted, it’ll clobber your ground before your ranged joins the action. Cottages you need 8-10 of these. That is what makes them to think t12 targets all other tires? Then you’re facing down the enemy archers and siege, which … hopefully if you’re fully invested in archer stats with your general and gear, you can easily overcome. Ranged doesn’t perform quite as badly as you’d think against Ground, for the same reason. The power values in this game are only a rough guide. The report continues. Haha! t11 Ground 96,000 => Wounded 6,367 t11 Cavalry 96,000 => Wounded 3,372. At K33 (or K35 if you’re patient enough, it’s actually better to wait imo) it’s finally time to start building out all the troop types evenly. Build your cities, train your troops, expand your empire and conquer the City of Thrones to become the King! Next (Boss) Redcap - (Level 2) Zombie Summary. I have level 8 gear which is 50% Attack/Defense/HP. Description: A mutated zombie who is slow but ferocious. No matter what. But you can consider a rally, or a 1-2 attack (loss with archers, then win with ground. It seems like a stationary object of ??? This is an Evony ghosting guide, for players who want to learn what ghosting is, how to actually do it, and more tips about using this battle maneuver. For ranged troops, attack is the most important stat by far. They keep claiming with their battle reports that their siege did lot of damage despite all his buffs were for archers. With this guide hopefully, you’ll be able to progress swiftly and have an amazing time playing Evony: The King’s Return. Furthermore, I would recommend building just 1 “full march” of your chosen troop type. I was able to defeat it with 1,700,000 cavalry. Same goes for the other relationships. I know this section has been long, but that’s honestly the most brief I could be to educate you on the basics of battle. I honestly don’t have the hard numbers to back it up, but that’s what I’ve seen a lot of people do, and I will explain the logic to it as best I can. If you and me fight in a temple… Me with my layers of 5, and you with layers of 3,000… I think you will have the edge. . They are recruited in the Barracks from a city’s idle population. Thanks. My Siege hardly kills anything. Or at least kill many of them. All Evony Build Troops Charts/Tables go here… Build Troop Charts/Tables: Evony References – Archer Build Time per Attack Level – Chart/Table; Evony References – Ballista Build Time per Attack Level – Chart/Table; Evony References – Cataphract Build Time per Attack Level – Chart/Table Evony The King's Return Game Guide, Find Tips and Tricks to playing the game and how to obtain free items without paying for them out of pocket. Siege super-duper kills Ranged, since it gets like 12-14 free turns of attacking. I have a question regarding attack power increases. I don’t know though, I’ve never cared much about this building. For one thing, it’s way more expensive to heal siege if they get hurt. Is this actually useless or do they get distributed somehow to the defending troops? Zombie has a power of 36,500 and is considered a easy boss. I recently defeated Level 9 Minotaur with about 1,000 wounded troops. You will always strike first. Not for people who just want to build everything because they think it’s fun, or they like doing things evenly. Weak on its own, but helps a lot when added to alliance rallies. Your email address will not be published. Question about boss rallys. Evony brings yet another event. Lv3 Warlord 85.6M What do you prefer? If you don’t have any of these fancy guys, then wait for one of the best tavern generals like Li Shimin. This entire time, Siege is at the back of the battlefield firing away. I took my screenshots from a battlefield report when we were holding the tower. Zombie is a level 1 boss in Evony TKR. Scenarios to Use Ghosting in Evony. I think layers of 1 would probably work just fine, but I like 5. At the best of times it’s going to kill like 1% of the attacking troops. Evony Guide To Gathering Resources How to passively gather millions of resources per hour in Evony TKR to level up and grow faster. This is a good amount of cottages for building troops and for labor force. A pure archer attack is the best thing you can hit a keep with. In this series of Evony: The king's return, I will explain what troop layering is and what it does to benefit your castle.BTW, i misspelled troops. Evony Advanced Guide.... the ultimate and best Evony guide online More. In fact, you may read this article again in a few weeks and see that I have made changes. Not to mention all the cost and effort that goes into building a general with their dragon, gear, refinements, and specialties. At K35 it will max out at 20% and also include siege attack. That’s why I recommend choosing something to focus on. I’m happy to correct any mistakes that people point out. My layers of 6,000 should dominate your layers of 3,000. Including equipment selection and refining. And he’s doing the same back to me, just not as much. Sawmills To start of with(if you have a level 2 town hall) you need 6. Just one question, I am 1.3b power and always been caved by enemies and go zero in single cav rally. or where the lead rallyer left it. General Status – 1000-1100 or so (5 stars, Cultivate +500) An example of overkill would be 900000 archers spending an entire round to shoot at 5 cavs. Current and constantly updated and currated location to find answers to all questions about Evony: The Kings Return mobile game. LVL 7 Yasha 3.4M From what I’ve observed, most people build all 4 troop types constantly. THE EXCEPTIONALLY RICH AND AMAZING SET OF FEATURES: Choose from 7 civilizations to customize your game’s architectural style: American, Chinese, European, Russian, Korean, Arabia and Japanese! Always compare and evaluate your options. I do love attacking more than defense, and I think it’s the best approach for people below K33 (before ach gear makes defending more viable). The Battlefields are amazing for testing out your skills as an alliance and just to have some fun. You may want to come back to this note after reading some later sections. Every stat comes into play during every battle. There are many tactics to Battle of Guagamela, and most of them you probably used in one form or another in the game. To do this, wait for your target with ghosted troops to attack either a building or a player. But if nobody can kill it alone, best case scenario is that everyone is going to take huge wounded and you’ll barely kill it. Joining with a single troop minimizes wounded for both you and the rally starter. When people team up, it’s really a bunch of individual attacks in a row. mounted attack % increase). -by lord hamreditor, server na42 when it opens. So you need to deal with that asap, and of course archers will do that most efficiently. Firstly, thank you for all the articles, really useful reading. I’m talking about permanent buffs from research, equipment refinement, gear, etc.) I’m not sure if I talk about this in the guide anywhere. This has been the most insightful read and based on my experiences I would definitely agree with you on many levels. The archer tower kills troops during an attack. So gears refines are 33%. I use layers of only 5. Second, the lead rally person is not necessarily the first one who strikes. There are several things to do after the daily reset that many often forget to do and that cost them free items that can really add up in the long run. The more times you revive, the more it will cost. Since writing the article folks have pointed out Shrine, Alliance Science, and a couple other things. Your speed and range do not matter in a boss battle. That also does not take into account your buffs, but only the raw number of troops. Somehow, it seems that the strength of the bosses sometimes changes without our knowledge, have you experienced this? Now, it sounds like with 22% archers, they might compose 300mil of your power or so. Fewer overall losses than having a bit of everything, with non-optimal buffs spread around. Getting hit by a better player who built with focus and power in mind… and losing all the excess troops that you built for no reason. For us, it was teaming up on Jr Hydras back when we could barely kill them. Hello wonderful article. If you want to skip the logic of it all and just follow a recipe…, Ranged Troops: – 30-40% top tier – 30-40% second tier – 10-15% third tier – 1-2% in every tier after that + Layers (see next section), Ground Troops: – 30-40% top tier – 30-40% second tier – 10-15% third tier – 1-2% in every tier after that + Layers (see next section), Mounted Troops: – 30-40% top tier – 30-40% second tier – 10-15% third tier – 1-2% in every tier after that + Layers (see next section). To cure the wounded troops you have to go to the Rally Spot , then click on the "medic Camp" . Is it worth staring, cultivating, and adding military skill books to them? I would say mounted hp/def but those things seem to get shredded by ranged attacks no matter what you do, and some people even like to ghost their mounted troops before they get attacked. These screens get a little wonky to explain, because the green numbers have been affected by buffs from my research and probably a few other things like monarch gear. How to refine the gear of the wall general? Your layers of 3,000 siege will have killed all my layers. Or at least kill many of them. Those 5s in the report are my layers. Defensively, you want pretty good sized layers, because march size is not an issue. Hi! If the hospital fills up, that is when they will begin to die. Good job Xy I don’t know how to interpret some of your data. Player B has 800,000 top tier ranged, and also a very small amount of everything else. I don’t speak Spanish. They may have a massive army in … Please keep up the good work. If you don’t agree, then this might not be the guide for you from this point on. The first case is not only better pointwise (gave up less compared to the gain), but it’s cheaper to heal and build those T12s. I think it’s possible to get good refinements even as a lower/non-spending player. You can see the exact value in the screen where you cultivate. However, the results showed that the mounted only had fewer wounds, so I think it is better to attack with mounted.. Every alliance needs a lot of boss killers.+ Useful for backstabbing players who send their archers out to attack– Probably the weakest of the 3 for PvP, but still not too bad– Usually takes more casualties, even against weaker players.Ranged:+ Possibly the best troop for PvP, because most people build mounted+ Due to ranged properties, let you attack weaker players with basically zero casualties.+ Even when they lose a battle, they usually at least deal a ton of damage to the enemy mounted who ran ahead.– Super weak against bosses. Current and constantly updated and currated location to find answers to all questions about Evony: The Kings Return mobile game. Get some more archers and you could be ok. At some point you would have enough archers that it doesn’t make sense to send cavs. I recently had the idea to send 80,000 archers at every. Ranged troops begin firing on the enemy Mounted troops when they can be reached. Go hit a dead city to check. Here is another look at my attack march. Since I focus on ranged, the only section I really care about is the one hilighted in blue. Anyway, with enough archers and archer attack, due to their range you can obliterate all or most of their mounted/ground before they can reach you. The Ultimate Evony Battle Guide: Part 2 – Tactics. Kamaitachi is about 2.8M general power . Because of the way refining works, you can never realistically have a “perfect general” – you can always spend more gold and stones and keep attempting to improve. Evony Guide To Ghosting Troops Introduction to Ghosting in Evony. Bosses Summary Evony bosses give fantastic rewards to all that kill or participate in rallies that kill them. Focus on that. Be the King of 7 kingdoms! So your buffs will need to be tremendously higher than theirs to make a worthwhile attack. There is so much I just don’t get! Although if you belong to a smaller alliance, I do recommend picking mounted so that you can help ensure there are boss rallies running whenever you happen to log in and play. If it was the first player alone, they would still take the same amount of damage – one attack’s worth. For example, I can kill a Fafnir with 1,500,000 T13’s and only have 5,800 wounded. Layers consist of every tier of every troop type from tier 1 up to your highest tier troop. So with enough archers and archer attack, due to their range you can obliterate all or most of their mounted/ground before they can reach you. If there are 13 levels of enemy mounted troops, that will take a single group of archers 13 rounds to kill. Even reading this makes it still complicated. t12 Cavalry 350,000 => Wounded 2,600. Includes Tips and Guides of how to play the game in the most effective way and to maximize consistant growth in the world of Evony. Particularly comments on archers. I took the exact same troops up against a royal thief and lost with 7,500 wounded troops. It doesn’t matter how many troops of all the types that a K30 player makes. See also the Mayor section of the article below. is your resource for Evony guides, Evony cheats, and Evony help. May god bless you. If you have Alfred or Simeon, go for ranged. Make sense? If I have larger groups of archers, each selecting different targets every round, I should be able to do a lot more damage in fewer rounds. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. Recently, with evony becoming increasingly more laggy, there are other methods to find enemies straight after they’ve been force ported to get their ghosted troops. Red Dragon: +100 to each stat, which is worth about 12-15% more, General Stats, Skills and Specialties are, Everything else put together splits the remaining. How it is working please? Basics of Ghosting in Evony. Pretty small, but it should be mentioned. Alone, I would get something like 5,000 wounded at that time. It’s a lot to scroll through, but I do recommend checking out the details of interesting battles. What are the advantages of cav?
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