The downside of this is a less positive career and wage development for women, as well as a poor pension. In what follows, we summarize the main results of our study. The results also indicate that the labour market has become less gender-segregated. The controlled gender pay gap, which controls for job title, years of experience, industry, location and other compensable factors, has also decreased, but only by $0.01 since 2015. Sweden: New research on the gender pay gap Women’s wages catching up with men’s. Ein "Report" vom Weltwirtschaftsforum, bei dem der Gender Pay Gap per Meinungsumfrage ermittelt wird. ‘Discrimination’ includes cases of unfair treatment by an employer in connection with an employee’s parental leave. Among LO's female members, more than half work part time (compared with 15% of men). Recently, the debate has intensified due to sexual assaults at music festivals in Sweden. This is the official site of Sweden, offering you the facts and stories of our country. We find, however, that there is still much work to be done. The Discrimination Act states that employers and employees should work actively for equal pay for equal work, as well as promote equal opportunity for women and men to receive a pay rise. Increased gender equality would also strengthen integration. Furthermore, this pattern was present in all age groups. Due to Covid-19, there are currently restrictions on travels to and from Sweden. Sweden does pretty well when it comes to work–family balance. Gender wage discrepancies are persistent all over Europe. However, there’s a hitch: nine out of ten people who appoint the board members are men. According to 2018 Global Gender Gap report it will take the world 108 years to close the gender gap. It started as #killmiddag in Sweden and is now being spread to the rest of the world with the help of the Swedish Institute. For the employers, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) stated recently that equal pay for equal work is a must, but competence must be rewarded financially and should be what ultimately decides one’s wage. In 1995, the first pappamånad – ‘daddy month’ – was introduced, with 30 days of leave reserved for the father on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. There are bigger differences within the types of agreements than between them and, in conclusion, the MI found no significant support for the hypothesis that one form of agreement is preferable to another when trying to decrease the gender wage gap. Der Gender Pay Gap in Schweden beträgt 13,2 Prozent, der bereinigte (gleiche Branche, gleiches Alter, gleicher Wohnort) sogar nur 4,2 Prozent. The MI found the adjusted gap to be 4.2%. It's a joint project between: Copyright © Dazu zählen Frankreich, Lettland, Rumänien, Schweden, die Slowakische Republik, Serbien und die Türkei. The delegation’s final report on equality in working life (in Swedish, 4 MB PDF) was published in June 2015. The gender pay gap is a longstanding phenomenon and its causes are complex. Gender equality implies not only equal distribution between men and women in all domains of society. However, because the data are organised according to occupation rather than collective agreement, occupations were categorised into different agreements based on the MI’s knowledge of the structure of the labour market. When comparing men and women’s wages, the analyses are often based on full-time wages. By 2014, fathers were taking 25 per cent of the total number of days available to the couple. But rape statistics from different countries are very hard to compare – there are great differences in definition as well as how a crime is registered. Useful? Im Global Gender Gap Report des World Economic Forum von 2017 bilden Island, Norwegen, Finnland und Schweden (gemeinsam mit Ruanda als einzigem nicht-skandinavischen Land) die Top 5 der Länder, in denen der sogenannte Gender-Gap … Frauengehälter belaufen sich auf 78,9% der Männergehälter. Obwohl kein Land der Welt bisher eine vollständige Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter erreicht hat, stechen Schweden und die nordischen Staaten im Allgemeinen konstant als Vorbilder im Bereich der Gender Equality hervor. LO has also proposed that a three-part parental insurance system should be introduced. Visit for information on how to trade with and invest in Sweden. The annual study on the wage gap was conducted by the MI using regression analysis, based on the structure of earnings statistics. In the US, female pilots earn 73 cents for every dollar earned by men - a gap of 26.6% - which is five times larger than the US adjusted gender pay gap of 4.9%. Sweden usually ranks high in gender equality from an international perspective. The Swedish government also provides an additional monthly child allowance until the age of 16 of SEK 1,050 per month per child, and if you have more than one child, you get an extra family supplement. In 2018, the government tightened Sweden’s laws on sex crimes. Between 2005 and 2017, Sweden’s score increased by 4.8 points (+ 1 point since 2015) and it is 16.2 points above the EU’s score. Browse through our list of 10 Swedish superwomen. In 1999 Sweden introduced its Act on prohibiting the purchase of sexual services, the first of its kind. Der Gender Pay Gap zeigt die schlechtere Bezahlung von Frauen. women’s wages have increased more than men’s wages; the composition of the workforce has changed. The historical gender division of these highly valued work tasks also influences the gender pay gap as The government uses the ‘F word’ to stress that gender equality is vital to society and that more needs to be done to achieve it. Every year, the international organisation World Economic Forum ranks around 150 countries based on the gap between women and men according to indicators within health, education, economy and politics. Diese Statistik zeigt das geschlechtsspezifische Rentengefälle (Gender Pension Gap) in Schweden im Zeitraum 2010 bis 2019. Global figures indicate that about 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical and/or sexual violence, often within a relationship. Nach Zahlen des Statistischen Amtes der Europäischen Union lag der Gender-Pay-Gap in Schweden … It was in the 1970s that public childcare was reformed and expanded to facilitate for families with two working parents. The business sector, on the other hand, is a heavily male-dominated field. Interesting? Unbereinigter Gender Pay Gap Für den unbereinigten Gender Pay Gap werden die absoluten Bruttostundenverdienste ins Verhältnis zueinander gestellt, ohne die ursächlichen Faktoren für den Gender … Der Gender Pay Gap bei den Bruttostundenverdiensten liegt hierzulande immer noch bei rund 20 Prozent – in Schweden ist er fast halb so groß. Mit dem Anstieg der Frauenbeschäftigung im Sektor, hat sich der Gender Pay Gap vergrößert, wiewohl in den vergangen Jahren keine Änderung des Gender Pay Gap im Finanzsektor zu erkennen war. The movement was started by the Swedish Women’s Lobby (Sveriges Kvinnolobby) in 2012 and is now a co-operation between political women’s unions, trade union organisations and women’s movement societies. + 353 1, Brussels, Belgium, Eurofound is an agency of the European Union. But some of them seem to have more to do with gender. For more details and updated information, please visit, official emergency information from Swedish authorities. The delegation suggested that this could be considered ‘value discrimination’ (in Swedish). Others call them ‘latte dads’. Unadjusted gender pay gap (W/M%*): please indicate both levels and trends: The nation-wide gender pay gap is 84 %. One example of a female-dominated occupation and a male-dominated occupation that were grouped together were elementary school teacher and mechanical engineer. Even within LO, opinions are divided as to what should be done to shrink the gap. The unadjusted pay gap is 0.2 percentage points smaller than the previous year and since 2005 it has decreased by a total of 3.1 percentage points. There is a wide range of views on what should be done to close the gender pay gap. Firstly, the gender policy context as well as the gender pay gap indicator and the adjustment (decomposition) method are introduced. From 2010 to 2014, the cross-country unadjusted gender gap in average wages slightly decreased by Man unterscheidet zwischen dem bereinigten und dem unbereinigten Gender Pay Gap. Each physical blow and/or instance of sexual and psychological degradation against the woman is taken into account. In 2007, the increase was between 1.1 and 1.6 percentage points higher than the cost mark, and in the following three years the increase was between 0.4 and 0.7 percentage points higher. However, this claim has been criticised by, among others, the Swedish Metalworkers’ Union, which argues that more centralised wage-setting decreases the risk of gaps emerging (in Swedish). This means that it can be difficult for employees within these professions to increase their salaries, and that there is little, if any, financial reward for professional development. It may be more than most countries, but was still a drop from the 2010 and the 2006 elections. Read more about Swedish family life in Family-friendly life the Swedish way. Gender Pay Gap in Sweden The gender pay gap stays in Sweden with around 12.6 per cent (2017) below European average. It says that ‘actual monthly wages’ should be used when comparing wages. The 16:12 movement strives for its own name to continue changing until women no longer ‘work for free’. Pay differences are most obvious in the county councils, and the smallest difference is found among blue-collar workers. Im Jahr 2019 erhielten Frauen in Schweden durchschnittlich eine um rund 28,1 Prozent geringere Rente als die Männer. In Ländern wie Schweden und Dänemark sei die Situation deutlich besser. The Swedish Municipal Workers' Union (Kommunal) argues that men should accept smaller wage increases in order to leave room for larger increases in occupations where wages have been inhibited by value discrimination. Amongst other things, estimates suggest that a 1 per cent increase in social dialogue coverage reduces the gender pay gap by … Last updated: It’s no coincidence, then, that 12 of the 22 government ministers are women. This website is administered by the Swedish Institute. Sweden believes that women and men should have equal power to shape society and their own lives. The largest was among white-collar workers in the private sector (8.1%), and the smallest among municipal workers (0.4%). In conclusion, in order for the gender wage gap to shrink further, the social partners will have to agree on a joint course of action. Hinweise auf Gehalts-Statistiken, bei denen Kindererziehungszeiten nicht … Der Gender Pay Gap ist laut Eurostat 16,8% und somit der niedrigste in der EU. Around one-third of the decrease is due to rises in pay, and the rest to the altered composition of the workforce. Women and men, girls and boys, must have the same right and access to physical integrity. The annual study on the wage gap was conducted by the MI using regression... Gap not affected by type of collective agreement. As the above chart shows, the gender pay gap is greater in certain professions than others. Want inspiration rather than statistics? calculated a gender pay gap of 21.3% for full-time workers in favour of men (based on average total remuneration). That is more than the entire annual budget for the Swedish defence. Fees are proportional to the parents’ income and the more children you have, the less you pay per child. Stockholmskällan, UN Photo, Riksbanken, Reijo Rüster, Ragnhild Haarstad/TT, Wikimedia, The average pay gap between women and men keeps shrinking in Sweden. Gender discrimination in the workplace has been illegal since 1980. At you’ll find information about Swedish embassies and their activities. The third study by Statistics Sweden looks at both unadjusted gender wage gap and the standardised gap in 2002. mehr berücksichtigt. Mikhail Pavstuyk, Amanda Westerbom & Susanne Walström/ Equal Pay Day Schweden: Transparenz gegen ungleiche Löhne. explore the magnitude and composition of the gender pay gap both as an average of the country aggregate and for 26 single countries. Another way of illustrating the current pay gap of 9.9 per cent is to say that women basically work without pay from around 16:12. The act made it illegal to buy sexual services in Sweden – along with procurement, which was already forbidden – without punishing the prostitute. In most cases the perpetrators were men, and in more than half of these cases (17,600) the perpetrators were known to the women. 18,3 Prozent der Befragten Schweizer stimmen einem traditionellen Rollenbild zu, bei dem der Mann für das Geld und die Frau für Haushalt und Familie zuständig ist. The delegation also found that in many female-dominated professions the wage gap between the lowest-paid and highest-paid person was relatively small. Men’s wages are still higher than women’s in Sweden. In diesem Jahr betrug der GPG in Schweden 16,9 % und lag somit zwar unter dem EU27 Durchschnitt von 17,3 %, allerdings um nur 0,4 Prozentpunkte. The Swedish National Mediation Agency (MI) also published two reports on the same topic, both in the summer of 2015. At the EU level, the European Commission prioritised "reducing the gender pay, earnings and pension gaps and thus fighting poverty among women" as one of the key areas in its "Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019". The current Swedish government has declared itself a feminist government, devoted to a feminist foreign policy. Pay differences are most obvious in the county councils, and the smallest difference is found among blue-collar workers. Nearly half of the members of the current parliament in Sweden are also women. If you want more information, read about. In county councils it is 72 %, in municipalities 92 %, among employees in the state 87 % and in the private sector 86 %. But the gender wage gap is shrinking, and over the past decade the gap has decreased by 3.1 percentage points, reaching a record low of 13.2%. Doch er ist auch ein politisches Instrument - und so manche Diskussion scheitert an … By comparing the seven different agreement construction types (in Swedish, 155 KB PDF), ranging from those where wage increases and their distribution is decided at the sectoral level, to those where all wages are set at the local level, the MI has analysed the wage development for so-called ‘identical individuals’ between 2009 and 2013. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, The tripartite EU agency providing knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies. The first report aims to explain the decrease of the wage gap (in Swedish, 900 KB PDF) and the second looks at whether different types of collective agreement differently affect the gap (in Swedish, 1.9 MB PDF). The Swedish government has commissioned the Swedish Gender Equality Agency to support government agencies with the work of integrating a gender perspective in all of their operations. Such a plan would require consensus on whether ‘value discrimination’ is indeed a problem. The first woman in government: Karin Kock. Im Zehnjahresvergleich hat sich der Gender Pay Gap von 25,1% (2008) auf 20,4% (2018) verringert. In 2017, around 28,000 cases of violence against women over the age of 18 were recorded in Sweden. However, to avoid the estimated wage difference being determined by the fact that women and men have different backgrounds and are found in different occupations, a number of control variables were included in the regression analysis, such as age, level of educational attainment, sector, industry (NACE), size of the business, extent of employment and occupation. For example, on average about 78 per cent of men between 15 and 64 are in the labour force, but only 55 per cent of women of the same age. The MI found that around 30% of the decrease is due to the wage increase effect, while the workforce composition effect explains 60%–70% of the gap closure. But if the Global Gender Gap Report is anything to go by, the global labour market is far from gender equal. The results of the study indicated that factors other than the type of collective wage agreement offer better explanations for shifts in the wage gap. Over the past few years, the share of women has fallen in traditionally female occupations and has correspondingly increased in male-dominated occupations. Go to to discover the wealth of tourist attractions that Sweden has to offer. For children between three and six, childcare is even free for up to 15 hours per week. The fact that pay varies between different sectors is generally seen as a less serious problem than the gap that is left when occupation has been controlled for. Despite the fact that Swedish statesman Birger Jarl banned rape already in the 1250s, Sweden battles with among the highest rape statistics in the world today. While Swedish women are more educated than Swedish men, the average gender pay gap of 4.5 percentage points cannot be explained. At the beginning, the movement went under the name 15:51 as the pay gap was then 14.3 per cent. A cookie is stored on your device to give you a better experience of the website. A woman who, after taking parental leave, works 50 per cent of full time for 10 years and then 75 per cent for another ten years will have a pension that is only 71 per cent of what a person working full time will get. On the average board of a Swedish stock market company, about one in three were women in 2018 – a great increase compared with a few years earlier.
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