Discord.me bump bot. If channel not provided creates invite for the channel command was used in, Shows links to add bot and our support server. MEE6 Support. Your advertisement is sent across all participating servers which will allow others to check out your bot. Bump Buddy, the only bot you need to remind you to bump your server on Disboard! Bot Hell. Largest (82000+ servers), most traffic 1.2. 1 text-only page for a separate long description 2. Welcome to the "Bump Central" Documentation! Disboard.org EN/DE/ES/RU/FIL/JP/KO/ZH 2.1. Sorted by size (Amount of guilds) as of Dec 22, 2018. To set it up do db;setup. More. Voice Channels. DL Bot est né le 29/12/2019 (il a 1 an 1 mois et 21 jours) Simple et utile, Il ajoute des commandes pour booster votre serveur immédiatement et fidéliser vos membres. With many updates, Bot Bumper is always introducing something new. Bump Central is a bot meant to help your server growing by using it's highly customizable … Protection from spammers. Here you can find information about commands and how to properly use the bot! bullshit-2. Tags similar to bump. Server Bump . Fill in required information in config.json. Need help on our bots a place to advertiser or your to lazy to bump - We have premium features too! We have simple commands you can use. Home; Server; About; Login. Dyna Bumps is a discord bump bot that is simple to set up and easy to use. With "BC" all you have to do is Your AdBlock is on. Some decent Discord bump bots include but are not limited to: DGP Bump Bot, Open Bumps, and Liam Bump Bot. Ein Bot für Discord, welcher daran erinnert, wenn man Webseiten oder Bots bumpen kann. Discord bot made for radio stations, easy to use and great quality audio. Open Bumps Promote your server. We know ads can be annoying, but they're what allow us to make all of Discord Boats available for free. Bump Central is a bot meant to help your server growing by using it's highly customizable bump commands. Fun. Contribute to Nemika-Haj/BytesBump development by creating an account on GitHub. Also you can get per 1 bump of your server 2 coins! Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots. ~bumpset desc
~bumpset invite A discord bump bot written in Discord.py! Sets a channel to receive bumps from the bod reducing your bump cooldown. Tags similar to bump-bot. ~help There are two remind options:-In a channel where just online mods will get pinged - or the last person which bumped, will get pinged -----When u choose the first option: To setup the bot run %addchannel or %setup (which will create a … Filter by tags . Music. GUILD BUMP: Guild Bump is a Public Server List bot, created for advertising servers. Pas de mauvaises surprises; DL Bot est certifié par "Discord". 126.8K 7 17. If we hit 1000 discord servers I will lower the cooldown to 30 Minutes and if we hit 10,000 discord servers I will lower it to 20 Minutes between each server bump! Upvoting us gives you a 10 minute cooldown on the bump command. Sign in with Discord. Bots For Discord. 0 Bumps. Your advertisement is sent across all participating servers which will allow others to check out your bot. Top.gg Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Bots einbinden und erstellen können. Contribute to DragonCat4012/Bump-Bot development by creating an account on GitHub. Also you can support us and get the cool autobump feature in return. Will be happy to help you at any point if you need any help. Economy. With just 2 simple commands, your server will be flooding with members! Bump Central is here to help you grow your server by using its advertising commands! Invite this Bot Support Server. discord.js A fast & simple discord bump bot here to get the job done fast and easy. 0 Bumps. Custom link for invites (Discord.me) 1.4. codmobile (82) mobile-games (203) scrims (708) lgbt-friendly (913) acnh (972) ... Public Bump Bot - Global Bump. Bump Central is a bot meant to help your server growing by using it's highly customizable … People joins servers, and help other servers to make it popular! We have simple commands you can use. GYS Bump is fully compliant with the renewed Discord Developers regulations and is consistently improved upon. A multi purpose disboard bump reminder, which will remind you for every bump and let you gain more bump then before. Good bot overall, a thing it could improve on is a response if you type something wrong. Il compose des images sympa quand un membre Vote ou Bump pour votre serveur. Server owners can bump every 6 hours, on site only 1.3. Join this Server. Sorted in a random order. DISCORD BOT LIST Upvote Paw Bump You can vote once every 12 hours. QuarkBump is a bump bot, which works like any other bump bot. #SuperNation. Level ranks. This is a list of some commands, to see the full version just type ~help on Discord. Run dotnet bumpbot.dll Slushie The bot that's capable to fluff up your day. Made by a loveling owner that knows the works of certain things. Like other partnership bots you have a 40 Minutes Cooldown between each bump. discord-bumpbot. ... Mee6 Bot Support; discord.io/mee6; 20. Once you press Upvote, you may be prompted asking if you wish to recieve notifications. 2 Bumps. Browse information on each bot and vote for your favourites. Get more Information about Guild Bump in our guild: https://discord.gg/WuhnpJm. Status Prefix: % Owner: Meister #9667 Library: discord.js. ** * Add the bot to your server So, what are you all waiting for … Join Our Support Server Now! A bot to automatically bump servers on discord.me. Most Discord bump bots let you bump your server every 1-2 hours. Everyone gets the … Bot Bumper is the first of its kind which allows you to advertise your bot by means of bumping. It has a very easy setup and there’s no pay to play! NL Bump . or read about them below! 0 Bumps. Fresh on the mark with a fresh new developer. Join the official discord server: https://discord.gg/sbs! Our server provides any discord users who desire a custom bot designed around their server down to the final line of code. bump reminder #6503. Discord Servers bump Discord servers tagged with bump. No premium mode or autobump. Bump up your servers street cred by finding some great bots here! Home Bots Join our Discord. Bot Bumper is the first of its kind which allows you to advertise your bot by means of bumping. Bots Haha Development Economy; Check out the bot and add it to your server and if you are needing any support join the support server! To set it up do db;setup. Fresh on the market by a new developer. But i’ve decided to do something much better! Find the best Discord bots for your server with our discord bot list. Get more Information about Guild Bump in our guild: https://discord.gg/WuhnpJm. First Discord verified bump bot. Discord Bump Bot - !na help. Finde und trete tollen Servern bei, welche hier gelistet sind! Wiki. Dyna Bumps is a discord bump bot that is simple to set up and easy to use. Rename example-config.json to config.json. Auf der Wiki-Seite findest du viele nützliche Informationen zum Bot, darunter auch ein detailliertes Setup.. Genutzte Packages. Bump up your servers street cred by finding some great bots here! We all want members, don't we? A bump bot designed to help grow your servers! Sie möchten Ihrem Discord-Server einen Bot hinzufügen? Discord Servers bump-bot Discord servers tagged with bump-bot. What We Provide … Support on Global Bump Advertise your ads Partnering Premium Features Links Used … Invite: https://discord.gg/3dPUbhv 1. Creates invite for the channel that was mentioned, Removes the set bump channel and increases the bump cooldown, Create and set invite for the mentioned channel. Discord Bots - Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots Find the perfect Discord Fun bot for your server on Bots For Discord. GYS Bump will send your server’s advertisement and invite link to other servers for semi-passive recruitment. Welcome to Global Ads! DISCORD BOT LIST QuarkBump 0 1 upvotes in February Add QuarkBump Upvote QuarkBump. 53000+ servers 2.2. Discord Bot List. Also you can get per 1 bump of your server 2 coins! Premium Bump. after that you can bump your server and some other things by using following command Remember to bump your server regularly to keep your server at the top of rankings. Bump Buddy . A discord bot for Bumps, Pictures, and a bit more! # SDP Bump # How to set the bot up To set up your server description `sd!set description [Description here]` To set up your server channel to recieve bump feeds `sd!set channel [Channel]` To set up your server invite `sd!set invite [Channel]` **Reminder** the bot creates the invite for you After setting up everything, you might wanna see how will the server ad look like? 2 Bumps. Having premium will allow you to bump to more server, have reduce cooldowns, set a bump color/banner and also autobump your servers Bot Commands This is a list of some commands, to see the full version just type py!help on Discord. QuarkBump. This will remind you in 12 hours that you can vote again! Games. A simple but yet convenient new Discord bump bot for your server. Looking to promote your discord server? Discord.io | Personal Invites. ️ Discord.js Server Bump Bot️ . Made by a loveling owner that knows the works of certain things. Bump reminder a multi purpose bot, which will remind u for every bump. Liste von Discord Servern mit dem Stichwort bump-bot. Good bot but can be improved because it does have python attribute errors. xd (158) advertise (2156) advertising (3040) scripts (249) social-media (312) discord (3616 ... We offer advanced services like our bump bot Open Bump that you can use for free to get even more member on your server and grow even faster. * Bump | Sends your ad to every server setup with Render Bump * Setbumpchannel | Sets the channel used by Render Bump to send other servers Ads * Invite | Invite Render Bump to your server * Info | Check guild, user and bump count * Help | Displays these commands ### **How to setup Render Bump? Discord.me 1.1. Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots. Requirement.NET Core Runtime (2.2) Google Chrome; Captcha credit (to solve captchas) Setup. Welcome to Bot Hell! An advertising bot help your server growth faster! Check out the bot and add it to your server and if you are needing any support join the support server! Make your Bot Famous with Grammarly Bump. From customizing literally every aspect of your bot, to maintaining affordable prices while doing so, we have a lot to offer. Server owners can bu… The one and only bot to ... you grow your server. Similar to server bumping, this bot allows you to advertise in means of a bump.
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